2018년 9월 27일 목요일

MANIF SEOUL INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR 2018 The 29th Solo Booth Exhibition by Artist CHO Guk Hyun

2018 마니프 서울국제아트페어
29회 서양화가 조국현
The 29th Solo Booth Exhibition by
Artist CHO Guk Hyun
영원에 관하여
about Eternity
2018 마니프 서울국제아트페어
29회 서양화가 조국현
20181011일 목요일 ~ 17일 수요일
예술의 전당 한가람미술관
2/ B14 부스
서울 서초구 남부순환로 2406
(서초동 산130-6)
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 추상 시
Abstract Poem
Size / 130 x 192.7cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 하얀 서정시
White Ballade
Size / 130.3 x 162.2cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 하얀 서정시
White Ballade
Size / 130.3 x 193.9cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 녹음 (綠陰)
the shade of a tree
Size / 162.2 x 130.3cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 마음의 소리 -
Sound of Mind - Spring
Size / 72.7 x 90.9cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 마음의 소리 - 평화의 밤
Sound of Mind - Peace Night
Size / 90.9 x 116.7cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 추상 서정 시 - 중첩된 시간
abstract ballade - Overlaid Time
Size / 72.7 x 116.6cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 영원에 관하여
about Eternity
Size / 45.5 x 52.9cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 영원에 관하여
about Eternity
Size / 45.8 x 53.6cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 초미세 시공(時空)
Micro Spatiotemporal
Size / 31.3 x 41.3cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018
Artist / 조국현 / CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
Title / 초미세 시공(時空)
Micro Spatiotemporal
Size / 32.1 x 41cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018




Artist Profile
CHO Guk Hyun / 趙國鉉
The 29times Solo Exhibition
[Seoul, Gangwon, Deagu, Ansan, Jeonju, France, China, Japan]
2018 The 29th Solo Exhibition ‘about eternity’ / MANIF SEOUL INTERNATIONAL ART FAIR Booth Solo Exhibition / Seoul Art Center, Hangaram Art Museum / Seoul, South Korea]
The Major Biennials and Art Fair Exhibition
MANIF Seoul International Art Fair / Seoul Art Center / Seoul / South Korea
Seoul Art Show / COEX trade center / Seoul / South Korea
Affordable Art Fair in Hong Kong / Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre / Hong Kong
GIAF Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Seoul / South Korea
Beijing Art Festival of Korea Contemporary Fine Art / ZHIGAO Art Gallery / Beijing / China
Strasbourg International Art Fair / Anne Lettree Galerie / Paris / France
Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Mi Gallery of the Korean Embassy in Tokyo / Tokyo / Japan
Hidalgo Border Fest 2015 Celebrating Korea / Hidalgo Municipal Art Museum / Texas / United States of America
60th Anniversary of Korea-US Alliance Art Festival / Busan And Cultural Center / South Korea
Shanghai International Expo Art Festival / Shanghai Museum of Art / Shanghai / China
The 11th MlMAR SlNAN University Invitation, The Korea & Turkey Contemporary Art Exchange Group Exhibition / Gallery of the Kingdom of Yeliz / Istanbul / Turkey
Korea Modern Fine Art Russia Invited Exhibition / State Art Gallery / Russia etc..
The Major Judge & Award Past Careers
Judge of The 21th Tongil Art Competition
Judge of The 33th Mudeung Art Competition
Chairperson of Korean Fine Arts Association
Judge of Tax literature Contest Exhibition
Jury of The 19th Haengju Art Competition
Judge of The 7th Seoul Woman Art Competition
Steering Committee Member of Korea International Art Association
Judge of The 22th Korea Fine Art Competition etc..
Present Career
Gwanghwamoon International Art Festival Steering Committee Member
President of Urban Culture Public Art Association
Web Site
3 Generation Artist Family : http://artistfamily.tistory.com/
#조국현 #조국현작가 #조국현화가 #마니프 #예술의전당 #한가람미술관 #추상 #추상화 #추상미술 #추상화가 #한국추상 #ChoGukHyun #Manif #SeoulArtCenter #SeoulInternationalArtFair #ArtFair #Biennale #MixedMedia #Art #Artist #Abstract #Painting #FineArt #영원 #Eternity

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  1. #조국현 #조국현작가 #조국현화가 #마니프 #예술의전당 #한가람미술관 #추상 #추상화 #추상미술 #추상화가 #한국추상 #ChoGukHyun #Manif #SeoulArtCenter #SeoulInternationalArtFair #ArtFair #Biennale #MixedMedia #Art #Artist #Abstract #Painting #FineArt #영원 #Eternity


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