2018년 8월 24일 금요일

Artist Challenge with Seungil Hope Foundation

승일희망재단과 함께하는 아티스트챌린지
Artist Challenge with Seungil Hope Foundation
안녕하세요. 조아진입니다.
배수영 작가 (@sueong_artist)의 추천으로 #승일희망재단 과 함께하는 #아티스트챌린지 에 참여하게 되었습니다.
희망을 주제로 하는 이 챌린지는 국내 최초 루게릭 환자들을 위한 병원 건립을 응원하는 프로젝트입니다. 많은 아티스트 분들의 참여를 통해 이 귀한 캠페인이 널리 알려지길 희망합니다.
이어서 해주실 작가분들은
조국현 작가님 @jogughyeon8329
강양순 작가님 @kang_yangsoon
최정민 작가님 @choe_jeong_min
세 분입니다. 지목되신 작가분들은 48시간 이내에 희망의 메시지가 담긴 본인의 작품과 다음 도전을 이어나갈 3인을 선정하시면 됩니다.
국내 최초 루게릭 요양 전문병원 건립에 함께 해주세요.
원래는 희망을 소재로 한 작품을 올려야겠지만...
희망을 소재로 한 작품이 아무리 찾아봐도 없는 관계로...
사랑을 주제로 한 작품을 대신 올립니다.
Aritst / 조아진 / CHO Ahjin
Title / Love Study
Size / 65.1 x 90.1cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2018.05.23
* 승일희망재단 / www.sihope.or.kr/
승일희망재단은 박승일, 션이 공동대표로 있는 단체로 루게릭 요양병원 건립, 환우와 가정을 위한 실제적 지원, 즐겁고 재미있는 기부 문화형성을 목적으로 하고 있습니다.
프로농구 전 모비스 최연소 코치였던 루게릭병 환우 박승일은 2002년 루게릭병 발병 직후부터 지금까지 단 하나 루게릭요양병원 건립이라는 희망을 가지고 있습니다. 각종 매스컴과 눈으로 쓴 책 <눈으로 희망을 쓰다>를 통해 루게릭병의 심각성을 세상에 알리고 루게릭요양병원 건립을 통해 희망을 전하고자 했습니다.
* 루게릭병 / 근위축성 측색 경화증(ALS)은 퇴행성 신경질환으로 원인이 정확히 밝혀지지 않은 희귀질환입니다. 대뇌 및 척수의 운동신경원이 선택적으로 파괴되기 때문에 '운동신경원 질환'이라고도 합니다. 일명 '루게릭병'이라고도 하는데 루게릭은 2,130개의 연속게임 기록을 보유한 야구선수로 근위축성 측색 경화증 진단을 받은 후 2년 뒤 사망하였습니다.
#승일희망재단 #박승일 #아티스트챌린지 #루게릭 ##희망 ##배수영 #배수영작가 #조국현 #강양순 #최정민 #조국현작가 #강양순작가 #최정민작가 #조아진 #조아진작가 #LouGehrig

2018년 8월 22일 수요일

KBS2 TV에서 방영되는 드라마 끝까지 사랑에 조국현 화가님과 강양순 화가님의 작품이 등장합니다.

KBS2 TV에서 방영되는 일일 연속극 끝까지 사랑에 조국현 화가님과 강양순 화가님의 방송 협찬된 프린트 작품이 등장합니다.
너무 순식간에 지나가서 발견하긴 쉽진 않지만...
방송에 등장하는 화면과 실제 작품이미지를 비교해 보세요~
방송 화면

실제 작품

Artist / 조국현 / CHO Gukhyun
Title / Sound of Mind-Peace Night
Size / 90.9 x 116.7cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date 2018
Artist / 강양순 / KANG Yangsoon
Title / Blue, Forest Song
Size / 193.9 x 259.1cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2017
Artist / 강양순 / KANG Yangsoon
Title / in paradise - Autumn Waltz
Size / 130.3 x 162.2cm
Material / mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2017
#끝까지사랑 #조국현 #강양순 #조국현화가 #강양순화가 #조국현작가 #강양순작가 #ChoGukHyun #KangYangSoon

Arits KANG Yangsoon Profile (Total English Ver)

Artist Profile
KANG Yang-soon | 姜良順
Country & Birth
Born in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, Republic fo Korea
The 24th Solo Exhibition (South Korea, Japan) / 2001~
2018.05.25~2018.06.06 / The 24th Solo Exhibition 'invitation to me' / Atrie Gallery / Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2015.04.08~2015.04.15 / The 23th Solo Exhibition ‘in paradise' / KBS View Gallery / Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013.08.02~2013.08.15 / The 20th Solo Exhibition ‘Healing Space' / Art Nonhyun Gallery / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013.06.01~2013.06.26 / The 19th Solo Exhibition 'Healing Space' / Songpa Woman Culture Center / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2010.04.12~2010.04.18 / The 16th Solo Exhibition ‘Time & Space' / Gallery SAM / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009.04.25~2009.05.23 / The 14th Solo Exhibition ‘Time & Space' / Songpa Office Gallery / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2007.05.16~2017.05.22 / The 12th Solo Exhibition ‘Time & Space' / Insa Art Plaza Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006.12.14~2006.12.19 / The 10th Solo Exhibition ‘Time & Space' / Uruwashi Civic Workshop Gallery / Hakusan, Ishikawa / Japan
2006.01.23~2006.02.06 The 9th Solo Exhibition 'Time & Space' / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004.02.11~2004.02.17 / The 6th Solo Exhibition 'Time & Space' / Dansung Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003.04.05~2003.04.15 / The 5th Solo Exhibition 'Time & Space' / Ehyung Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003 The 4th Solo Exhibition 'Time & Space' / My Day Gallery / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2002.03.18~2002.04.07 / The 3rd Solo Exhibition 'Time & Space' / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / The 2nd Solo Exhibition 'Time & Space' / Yegajok Gallery / Yangchun-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001.09.05~2001.09.11 / The 1st Solo Exhibition 'Time & Space' / Daerim Art Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
The 34th Biennials and Art Fair / Booth Solo Exhibition / 2006~
2018.06.27~2018.07.01 / PLAS Plastic and Contemporary Art Seoul / COEX trade center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.12.23~2017.12.27 / Seoul Art Show / COEX trade center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.11.23~2017.11.27 / Daejeon Art Show / Daejeon trade center / Yuseong-gu, Daejeon / South Korea
2017.10.13~2017.10.22 / The 8th Boeun International Art Expo / Boeun National Gymnasium / Boeun, Choonchungbuk-do / South Korea
2017.10.13~2017.10.15 / Pohang Hotel Art Fair / Best Western Pohang Hotel / Pohang-si, Gyungsangbuk-do / South Korea
2017.08.03~2017.08.05 / SHE Industry Fair / COEX trade center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.06.28~2017.07.02 / PLAS Plastic and Contemporary Art Seoul / COEX trade center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.05.18~2017.05.21 / Affordable Art Fair in Hong Kong / Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre / Wan Chai / Hong Kong
2017.04.20~2017.05.08 / GIAF Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.03.18~2017.04.15 / Invite solo exhibition ‘Walk’ / Brea Cafe Gallery / Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2016.05.22~2016.05.29 / KPAM Korea Professional Artist Mall Booth Solo Exhibition / Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2016.05.11~2016.05.17 / GIAF Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2015.10.02~2015.10.11 / Goyang Art Market Booth Solo Exhibition / Goyang International Flower Exhibition Hall / Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2015.07.24~2015.08.23 / COAF Creative Orange Art Festa Booth Solo Exhibition / Wellihily park / Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do / South Korea
2015.06.05~2015.07.03 / Invite solo exhibition ‘Time & Space' / Songpa Office Gallery / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.07.31~2014.08.03 / World Art Show The 22th Booth Solo Exhibition / Lotte Hotel World Sapphire Bloom / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.06.03~2014.06.10 / GIAF Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival The 21th Booth Solo Exhibition / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.05.23~2014.05.25 / Affordable Art Fair in Singapore / F1 Pit Building / Singapore
2013.10.13~2013.10.19 / Daegu Art Festival Special Exhibition ‘Sharing emotion-Daegu’ / Daegu Culture Art Center / Dalseo-gu, Daegu / South Korea
2013.04.25~2013.05.27 / GIAF The 9th Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival ‘Good Morning Gwanghwamoon’ / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012.05.23~2012.05.31 / Korea Fine Art New Wave The 18th Booth Solo Exhibition / Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012.04.18~2012.05.22 / GIAF The 8th Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2011.10.14~2011.10.23 / Boeun International Art Expo / Boeun National Gymnasium / Boeun, Choonchungbuk-do / South Korea
2011.05.26~2011.06.21 / GIAF The 7th Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2010.06.09~2010.06.29 / GIAF Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival The 17th Booth Solo Exhibition / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2010.01.19~2010.01.25 / Friends Korea Japan Creative Exchange Regular Group Exhibition The 15th Booth Solo Exhibition / Seoul Art Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009.09.02~2009.09.07 / KPAM Korea Professional Artist Mall 'Look Here' / Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009.04.09~2009.04.14 / GIAF Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival Booth Solo Exhibition / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008.07.29~2008.08.04 / Korea Modern Art Fair The 13th Booth Solo Exhibition / Chosunilbo Art Museum / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2007.03.02~2007.03.08 / The New Contemporary Artworks Festival The 11th Booth Solo Exhibition / Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005.08.08~2005.08.13 / Today & Tomorrow Art Show The 8th Booth Solo Exhibition / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004.09.10~2004.09.30 / Gwangju Biennale Flag Art Festival 'A piece of dust, a drop of water’ / Joongoei Park / Gwangju-si / South Korea
2004.09.09~2004.09.14 / Korea Environmental Art EXPO The 7th Booth Solo Exhibition / COEX trade center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003.10.28~2003.11.02 / MANIF Seoul International Art Fair / Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
The 180times Group Exhibition / 1990~
2018 / 6times
2018.07.09~2018.07.14 / The 26th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2018.06.01~2018.07.31 / Tartmaman ing commemoration exhibition ‘Hellow’ / Tartmaman Cafe Gallery / Gangseo-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2018.05.28~2018.06.05 / The 8th Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Coexistence and mutual peace' / Danuri Art Museum / Gangdong-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2018.04.20~2018.05.20 / Spring Festivals 80 Artist Invited Exhibition / Yeosoo Expo Art Gallery / Yeosoo-si, Jeonranam-do / South Korea
2018.03.22~2018.03.28 / The 5th 3 Generation Artist Family Regular Exhibition ‘New Familism’ / Mudeung Gallery / Dong-gu, Jeonranam-do / South Korea
2018.01.04~2018.01.15 / Good Morning New Morning / Kimbosung Art Center / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017 / 4times
2017.12.04~2017.12.09 / Songpa Woman Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Woman Mind Sympathy' / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.06.19~2017.06.24 / The 25th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.04.08~2017.04.15 / The 7th Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Spring Coming' / Yeocksam1 Culture Center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017.01.18~2017.01.24 / The 4th 3 Generation Artist Family Regular Exhibition / Insa Art Plaza Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2016 / 7times
2016.12.05~2016.12.10 / Songpa Woman Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2016.09.24~2016.09.25 / UIPAF The 13th Uiwang International Placard Art Festival / Baekwoon Lake / Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2016.09.23~2016.09.28 / Dangjin Representational Artist Group 'Beautiful Companion' / Dangjin Art Center / Dangjin-gun, Choongchungnam-do / South Korea
2016.07.01~2016.07.31 / Korean Horse Affairs Association Let's Run Park Horse Museum Invited Exhibition 'Relation' / Gwachun-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2016.06.17~2016.06.22 / The 6th Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Seeds of my heart' / Jamsil Creative Studio Haneulyeon Gallery / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2016.05.29~2016.06.30 / Dotti 3 Artist Invited Exhibition / Dotti Cafe Gallery / Jeonju-si, Jeonlabuk-do / South Korea
2016.05.03~2016.05.29 / The 3rd 3 Generation Artist Family Regular Exhibition / Majoongmool Gallery / Wanju-gun, Jeonlabuk-do / South Korea
2015 / 9times
2015.12.18~2016.01.21 / Happy Essay / Alternative Space NOON / Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2015.10.14~2015.10.20 / The 2nd 3 Generation Artist Family Regular Exhibition / Gongpyeong Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2015.09.19~2015.09.20 / UIPAF The 12th Uiwang International Placard Art Festival / Baekwoon Lake / Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2015.06.15~2015.06.20 / The 23th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2015.05.23~2015.05.25 / The 5th Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Gyeongbok palace Art Festival' / Seoul Metro Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2015.05.02~2015.05.29 / Scent of May / Dalpaenge Gallery / Buk-gu, Ulsan-si / South Korea
2015.04.08~2015.04.28 / 70th anniversary of liberation ‘201_5gamdo’ Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit by Federation of World Art Associations / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2015.04.10~2015.04.12 / Seokchon Lake Cherry Blossom Festival Street Group Exhibition / Seokchon Lake whole area / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2015.02.26~2015.03.05 / ‘Happy sharing Art Festival’ Culture Committee of National First-Aid Society / Choongmoo Art Hall Gallery / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014 / 15times
2014.12.20~2014.12.30 / The 4th Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Circle of Life - The City's Alleys' / Sangam DMC Promotion Hall / Mapo-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.11.12~2014.11.19 / Line-Surface-Color S-Art Group Exhibition / E-heong Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.11.01~2014.11.20 / Moroo Gallery Opening Commemoration Invitation Exhibit / Moroo Gallery / Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2014.10.21~2014.10.25 / Korea Contemporary Art Beijing Auction Group Exhibition / Beijing People's Daily News Company / Company Building / Beijing / China
2014.10.26~2014.10.02 / 5 Artist Light of Autumn Group Exhibition / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.10.08~2014.10.13 / Federation of World Art Associations / City and Peoples / La mer Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.08 / Quanzhou Soohwawon Opening Commemoration Invitation Exhibit / Helping poor neighbors work auction / Quanzhou Soohwawon Gallery / Chunju / China
2014.07.25~2014.08.03 / Sikkeulbeoljeok Museum Art Festival Invitation Exhibit / Seoul Citizens Hall / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.06.11~2014.06.19 / The 4th Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'My Beloved' / Ttukseom View Culture Complex J-Bug / Gwangjin-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.06.09~2014.06.30 / Mother & Daughter Artist Invitied Exhibition / Gallery Guha / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.06.02~2014.06.07 / The 22th Anniversary of Founding Sonpa Artist Association Publication Pandect Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.04.16~2014.04.22 / Seoul World Open Art Festival Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Sejong Center / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.03.19~2014.03.25 / The 44th Korea Watercolor Association Regular Group Exhibition / Hangook Art Museum / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014.02.21~2014.03.31 / Korea & China Culture and Arts Festival Contemporary art Group Exhibition / Munbak Palace Building No. 1 / Shenzhen-si / China
2014.02.20~2014.03.09 / The 1st 3 Generation Artist Family Regular Exhibition / Choongmoo Art Hall Gallery / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013 / 12times
2013.12.17~2013.12.30 / 60th Anniversary of Korea-US Alliance & 60th Anniversary of Truce Art Festival / Busan And Cultural Center & Eulsukdo Cultural Center / Busan-si / South Korea
2013.12.09~2013.12.14 / Songpa Woman Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013.11.02~2013.11.10 / The 3rd Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Conversation of Dream' / Dream Forest Art Center Dream Gallery / Gangbuk-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013.09.28~2013.09.29 / UIPAF The 10th Uiwang International Placard Art Festival / Baekwoon Lake / Uiwang-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2013.09.05~2013.10.13 / Let’s Run Seoul Racecourse Park 3 Artist Invitation Exhibition / Horse Museum / Gwachun-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2013.06.04~2013.06.16 / Flow of Han Rive / Gangdong Arts Center / Gangdong-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013.06.01~2013.06.20 / The 31th Commemorative National Theater Festival Placard Art Festival / Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do / South Korea
2013.05.06~2013.05.11 / The 21th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013.03.19~2013.03.25 / The 43th Korea Watercolor Association Regular Group Exhibition / Hangook Art Museum / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013.02.01~2013.02.13 / ‘Helping the elderly living alone’ Charity Sale Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Choongmoo Art Hall Gallery / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2013 / The 6th Sea Day Celebration The Taeanhaean mast of Art Festival / Manlipo Port whole area / Taean-gun, Chungcheongnam-do / South Korea
2013 / Korea Woman Artist Group Exhibition ‘Emotional encounters’ / Culture Center Hae / Dong-gu, Gwangju-si / South Korea
2012 / 8times
2012.12.07~2012.12.28 / ‘5080’ Helping Children with Leukemia Charity Sales Group Exhibition / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012.10.31~2012.11.10 / Daegu Art Festival Special Group Exhibition / Daegu Culture Art Center / Daegu / South Kore
2012.09.03.~2012.09.08 / Flow of Han River / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012.05.10~2012.05.16 / The 20th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012.03.07~2012.03.13 / The 42th Korea Watercolor Association Regular Group Exhibition / Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Museum / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012.02.15~2012.02.24 / Light of Korea Art Group Exhibition / Gongpyeong Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012.02.01~2012.02.07 / The 2nd Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Great Heritage' for Child Head of Household Help Charity Sales / Seoul Metro Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2012 / JinJu Environment Artist Association Group Exhibition / Jinju-si, Gyungsangnam-do / South Korea
2011 / 9times
2011.11.18~2011.11.25 / The 1st Urban Culture Public Art Association Regular Group Exhibition 'Discovery of life' for Helping Patients Charity sales / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / ,South Korea
2011.10.14~2011.10.19 / The 4th Korea Watercolor Festival / Sungnam Art Center / Sungnam-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2011.10.07~2011.10.21 / Lotus flower Art Festival / Namsong Gallery / Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2011.06.09~2011.06.12 / The 63th Choonchungnam-do Peoples Sports Celebration 'Boryung Flag Art 100 Artists' / Boryung General Stadium / Boryung-si, Choonchungnam-do / South Korea
2011.06 / The 19th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2011.04.06~2011.04.12 / The 41th Korea Watercolor Association Regular Group Exhibition / La Mer Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2011.02.19~2011.03.18 / The 4th Art Group SAM Regular Group Exhibition 'Hello 2011' / Gallery SAM / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2011 / Insa-dong 475bunji Regular Exhibition / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2011 / Flow of Han River / South Korea
2010 / 7times
2010.06.07~2010.06.16 / The 18th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2010.05.24~2010.06.06 The 3rd Art Group SAM Regular Group Exhibition 'Family' / Gallery SAM / 2010 / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2010 / New Art Group Regular Group Exhibition / SAM Gallery / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2010 / Friends The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Korea AD Culture Center / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2010 / INSA Art Festival / Seoul Art Museum / Jongno-gu, Seoul-si / South Korea
2010 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Tokyo / Japan
2009 / 7times
2009.10.15~2009.11.14 / Chrysanthemum Flower Festival Group Exhibition / COEX, Pre-Function Zone / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009.10.01~2009.10.10 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Korea AD Culture Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009.03.17~2009.03.30 / Art & Mind Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Seoul Art Museum / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009.02.02~2009.02.28 / Flowers waiting for spring Group Exhibition / Young Silver Art Center / Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2009 / The 17th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa Art Museum / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009 / ‘Beautiful gift for neighboring love’ Charity sales Group Exhibition / United Gallery / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2009 / Multi-cultural Family Group Exhibition / Central City Millennium Hall / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / 17times
2008.11.07~2008.11.09 / Chungnam International Art Show Invitation Exhibit / Dangjin Arts Center / Dangjin-gun, Chungcheongnam-do / South Korea
2008.11.07~2008.11.09 / Million Acts of Service and Kindness and Charity Exhibition / Central City 6th Floor Millennium Hall / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008.10.11~2008.11.20 / The 3rd Muksan Art Gallery Festival Excellent Artist Invited Exhibition / Muksan Art Gallery / Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do / South Korea
2008.10.08~2008.10.13 / ‘Beautiful Korean 2350’ Group Exhibition / Sejong Center / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008.09.18~2008.09.30 / The South Korea & North Korea & China Representative Artist Exchange Group Exhibition / Amnokgang Gallery / Dandong / China
2008.08.16~2008.08.25 / Lotus Art Painting Festival Group Exhibition / Siheung Lotus Theme Park / Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2008.07.27~2008.07.30 / Korea Art Festival for Nature and Human Coexistence Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Cheongju Arts Center / Cheongju-si / South Korea
2008.07.01~2008.07.07 / Songpa Woman Culture Center Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Sol Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / Korea and Vietnam Contemporary Artist Exchange Exhibition / International Exchange Foundation Culture / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / U.S.A New Spirit of Korea Exhibition / Vision Art Hall / U.S.A
2008 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / The Korean Consulate General in Japan / Japan
2008 / Yesong Art Museum Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Yesong Art Museum / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / 2 Artist 2 Colors Exhibition / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / The 16th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / Songpa Woman Artists Regular Group Exhibition / Yesong Art Museum / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / 4 Artist Seek Group Exhibition / Seoul Educational Culture Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2008 / The Best Gift of Our Life Time Group Exhibition / Gyeonghyang Gallery / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2007 / 7times
2007.12.08~2008.12.17 / The 2nd Muksan Art Gallery Festival Excellent Artist Invited Exhibition / Muksan Art Gallary / Yeongwol-gun, Gangwon-do / South Korea
2007.06.11~2007.06.16 / Contemporary Art New Start Group Exhibiton / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2007 / Songpa Womang Artist Regular Exhibition / Olympic Memorial Hall / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2007 / The 7th Korea & Japan Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Sooyonghwa Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2007 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Jeju Student Cultural Center / Yeonsam-ro, Jeju-si / South Korea
2007 / The 15th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2007 / Association of Dementia Art Therapy Invite Exhibition / Young Silver Art Center / Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2006 / 10times
2006.09.25~2006.10.08 / Husband & Wife Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006 / Korean Art Association Regular Group Exhibition / Seoul Art Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006 / The 14th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006 / Light shade Group Exhibition / High Gallery / Sungbuk-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006 / AIAF Ansan International Art Fair invitation exhibit / Ansan Arts Center / Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2006 / The Sea Day Celebration Special Group Exhibition / Yeongdo Sea Gallery / Yeongdo-gu, Busan-si / South Korea
2006 / Songpa Woman Culture Center Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006 / Insa-dong 475bunji Regular Exhibition / Gyunghyang newspaper publishing company Gallery / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006 / Hansung Baekje Art Festival / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2006 / Five Artists Emotions Group Exhibition / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / 11times
2005.03.23~2005.03.29 / Korean Women's Art Festival ‘Hyeyoum’ Group Exhibition / Sejong Center / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / Insa-dong 475bunji Regular Exhibition / Dream Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / Songpa Woman Culture Center Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / 100 Famous Artists Art Fair Invitation Exhibit / Lotte Gallery Head Office / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Kepco Art Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / ‘Painting of Love sharing’ Group Exhibition / Seoul Asan Hospital Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / ‘Light Rapids’ Group Exhibition / Songpa Women's Cultural Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / The 5th Friends Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Dobong-Gu Office Gallery / Dobong-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / ‘Helping children suffering from the earthquake in Pakistan’ charity sales Group Exhibition / Ol Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / The 13th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2005 / Spring Small Art invite Group Exhibition / My Day Gallery / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004 / 9times
2004.09.23~2004.10.14 / Seodaemun Prison History Hall Placard Art Festival / Seodaemun Prison History Hall / Seodaemun-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004.08.27~2004.08.28 / 150 Famous Artists Art Fair Invitation Exhibit / Lotte Gallery Head Office / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004.05.17~2004.05.30 / ‘Adult Mind & Child Mind’ Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Young Silver Art Center / Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2004 / Rock Gallery Opening Ceremony invite Group Exhibition / Rock Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004 / ‘250 Korea Contemporary Great Artist’ Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / National Tour / South Korea
2004 / The Korea & India Contemporary Artist Exchange Group Exhibition / India
2004 / The 12th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004 / Songpa Woman Culture Center Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2004 / Insa-dong 475bunji Regular Exhibition / Rock Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003 / 8times
2003.05.07~2003.05.12 / Korea-US Alliance 50th Anniversary Invitational Group Exhibition / Marine Corps Command / Washington & New York / U.S.A.
2003.08.09~2003.08.16 / The 11th MlMAR SlNAN University Invitation, The Korea & Turkey Contemporary Art Exchange Group Exhibition / Gallery of the Kingdom of Yeliz / Istanbul / Turkey
2003 / ‘Adult Mind & Child Mind’ Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Young Silver Art Center / Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2003 / GLOBAL Group Exhibition / Woorim Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003 / The 11th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003 / Songpa Woman Culture Center Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003 / Invited Exhibition of Environmental Art Exhibition for Operation Committee Member / Green Space Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2003 / 3 Artist Invited Exhibition / May Day Gallery / Seocho-gu, Seoul / Korea
2002 / 7times
2002.12.18~2002.12.24 / AWC Asian Watercolor Federation Group Exhibition / Sejong Center / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2002.11.06~2002.11.17 / Korea Fine Arts Festival Group Exhibition / Seoul Arts Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2002 / Korea Watercolor 100 Artist Group Exhibition / Gwangju Museum of Art / Haseo-ro, Gwangju Metropolitan City / South Korea
2002 / Songpa Woman Culture Center Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2002 / Modern Art Korea and Germany / Gallery Forum / Germany
2002 / The 10th Sonpa Artist Association Regular Group Exhibition / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2002 / Spring New Year Invite Group Exhibition / Woorim Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / 12times
2001 / The Korea & China & Japan 3 Colors Group Exhibition / Ribera Gallery / Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do / South Korea
2001 / KPAM Korea Professional Artist Mall Festival Booth Invitation Exhibit / Seoul Art Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Seoul Arts Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / Korean Young Artist Art Festival / Seoul Museum of Art / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / Songpa Art Festival / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / Deoksugung Palace Open Garden / Deoksugung Palace / Gangjin-gun, Jeollanam-do / South Korea
2001 / Spring 2001 / Daerim Art Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Korea Embassy Cultural Center / Japan
2001 / Water Color Festival / Sejong Center / Jongno-gu, Seoul-si / South Korea
2001 / Coming and Going / Sol Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / Songpa Woman Culture Center Opening Commemoration Group Exhibition Invitation Exhibit / Songpa-gu Community Center Gallery / Songpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2001 / Myeongdong Gallery Opening Ceremony Exhibition / Myeongdong Gallery / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2000 / 3times
2000 / New millennium Group Exhibition / Gongpyeong Art Center & Lotte department store gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2000 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Korea Cultural Institute in Japan / Tokyo / Japan
2000 / Spring New Year Invite Group Exhbition / Daerim Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1999 / 6times
1999 / Oh! Korea - Korea Artist Festival / Sang Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1999 / New Spring Invite Group Exhibition / Lotte Gallery / Jung-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1999 / The Korea & Japan Creation Exchange Regular Group Exhibition / Gyeongin Art Museum / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1999 / Helping Boys and Girls Art Market Exhibition / Dongah Life Insurance Gallery / South Korea
1999 / Gwangjin Artist Invite Group Exhibition / Gwangjin Culture Center / Gwangjin-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1999 / The 28th Gusangjeon Art Competition Group Exhibition / National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA) / Gwacheon-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
1998 / 2times
1998 / Beautiful natural aesthetic conversion / Johyeong Gallery / Jongno-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1998 / The 14th Korea Watercolor Association Regular Exhibition / Seoul Arts Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1992 / 3times
1992 / The 8th Korea Watercolor Association Regular Exhibition / Seoul Arts Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1992 / The 21th Gusangjeon Art Competition Group Exhibition / Seoul Arts Center / Seocho-gu, Seoul / South Korea
1992 / The 4th Pastel Art Competition Exhibition
1991 / 2times
1991 / Korea Tourism Organization landscape Art Competition Exhibition
1991 / The 7th Korea Watercolor Association Regular Exhibition
1990 / 1times
1990 / Korea Tourism Organization landscape Art Competition Exhibition
Award / 1990~
2004 / The 10th Haengju Art Exhibition & Competition Grand Prize ‘Time & Space’ | Goyang Branch Office of Korean Fine Arts Association & Goyang-si / South Korea
2003 / Centennial Anniversary of Korean American Immigration (Washington D.C) & 50th Anniversary of the Korea-US Alliance letter of appreciation (New York) | Korea Federation of Functional Organizations, International Association of Culture and Friendship / Washington & New York / U.S.A.
2001 / 21C Water Color Festival Participation Prize | 21C Water Color Festival steering committee / South Korea
2001 / The 17th Korea Watercolor Art Competition Special Selected | Korea Watercolor Association / South Korea
2001 / Art World Competition Special Selected | Korea Art Association / South Korea
2000 / The 29th Gusangjeon Art Competition Selected ‘History-Yesterday & Present’ | Gusangjeon Art Association / South Korea
1999 / The 28th Gusangjeon Art Competition Special Selected ‘Ul-Sprit’ | Gusangjeon Art Association / South Korea
1998 / The 14th Korea Watercolor Art Competition Canson Special Selected ‘Nature Time & Space ’ | Korea Watercolor Association / South Korea
1992 / The 8th Korea Watercolor Art Competition Selected ‘Out’ | Korea Watercolor Association / South Korea
1992 / The 21th Gusangjeon Art Competition Selected ‘one's hometown’ | Gusangjeon Art Association / South Korea
1992 / The 4th Pastel Art Competition Selected ‘impression’ | Korea Pastel Art Association / South Korea
1991 / Landscape Art Competition Selected ‘impression’ | Korea Tourism Organization / South Korea
1991 / The 7th Korea Watercolor Art Competition Selected ‘remembrance’ | Korea Watercolor Association / South Korea
1990 / Landscape Art Competition Selected ‘an ox cart’ | Korea Tourism Organization / South Korea
Jury Career & Art Fair & Competition Organizing Committee Career / 2003~
2017 / Judge of Chungchoon Art Contest / Korea Dementia Art Therapy Association / Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2016 / Judge of The 46th Choongchungnam-do Art Competition / Choonnam Branch Office of Corporation Korean Fine Arts Association / Choongchungnam-do / South Korea
2012 / Judge of The Korea Watercolor Competition / Corporation Korea Watercolor Association / Seoul / South Korea
2007 / Judge & Operation Committee Member of The Hyoiryong Art Competition / Eujeongbu Branch Office of Corporation Korean Fine Arts Association / Eujeongbu-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
2006 / Judge of Peaceful unification Art Festival / Corporation Peace Culture Foundation / Seoul / South Korea
2006 / Operation Committee Member of Simyang International Art Fair / Asea Arts Association / Seoul / South Korea
2004 / Operation Committee Member of The 1st Seoul Woman Art Competition / Corporation Environmental Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2003 / Judge & Operation Committee Member of The 2nd Korea Environment Art Festival / Corporation Environmental Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
Past Career / 2007~
2018 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2018 / Consultant of Songpa Artist Association / Songpa Artist Association / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2017 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2017 / Consultant of Songpa Artist Association / Songpa Artist Association / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2016 / Director of Korea Art Association steering committee / Corporation Korea Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2016 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2016 / Consultant of Songpa Artist Association / Songpa Artist Association / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2015 / Director of Korea Art Association steering committee / Corporation Korea Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2015 / Director of World Art Association / Corporation World Art Association
2015 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2015 / Consultant of Songpa Artist Association / Songpa Artist Association / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
2014 / Director of Korea Art Association steering committee / Corporation Korea Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2014 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2014 / Director of World Art Association / Corporation World Art Association
2013 / Director of Korea Art Association steering committee / Corporation Korea Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2013 / Director of Corporation Korea Watercolor Association / Corporation Korea Watercolor Association / Seoul / South Korea
2013 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2012 / Director of Corporation Korea Watercolor Association / Corporation Korea Watercolor Association / Seoul / South Korea
2012 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2011 / Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
2011 / Director of Corporation Korea Watercolor Association / Corporation Korea Watercolor Association / Seoul / South Korea
2007 / Women Commission Committee of Korea Art Association / Corporation Korea Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
Past Teaching Career
Taewha Culture Center Fine Arts Teacher / Sungnam-si, Gyeonggi-do / South Korea
Codrporate & Collections
2018 / blue, forest song, 2017, mixed media on canvas, 193.9 x 259.1cm / (C) boram / Seoul / South Korea
2018 / in paradise - autumn waltz , 2017, mixed media on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2cm / (C) boram / Seoul / South Korea
2017 / time & space - the memory of blue day, 2015, mixed media on canvas, 80 x 100cm / GRIMSAM Art Center / Seoul / South Korea
2017 / in paradise - harmony , 2013, mixed media on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2cm / Gwangjin How Story / Seoul / South Korea
2009 / time & space - in paradise, 2009, mixed media on canvas, 130.3 x 162.2cm / Songpa-gu Office / Seoul / South Korea
2006 / in paradise - 여행 , 2006, mixed media on canvas, 45.5 x 45.5cm / Seoul Asan Hospital / Seoul / South Korea
Present Career
Director of Urban Culture Public Art Association / Urban Culture Public Art Association / Seoul / South Korea
Consultant of Songpa Artist Association / Songpa Artist Association / Sonpa-gu, Seoul / South Korea
Korea Fine Art Association Member / Seoul / South Korea
E-mail. cajme58@hanmail.net
Web Site
3 Generation Artist Family : http://artistfamily.tistory.com
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89세 어르신의 동백꽃 수채화 청주 서원구 방문미술 그림샘

  18 개월 이상 아기놀이미술부터 어르신 말벗 , 치매예방 미술까지 월간 그림샘 2025 년 2 월 방문미술 회원작품 청주시 서원구 89 세 어르신의 동백꽃 수채화 그리기   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGWED...