2020년 1월 30일 목요일

제6회 Sprit of Art 展 조국현 화가 출품 작품 안내

6Sprit of Art
조국현 화가
출품 작품 안내
202023일 월요일 ~ 8일 토요일
Lee & Lee Gallery
3130 Wilshire Blvd #502 Los Angeles
조국현 강양순 조아진 외
주최 및 주관
전시 작품 / Art Works Info
Artist / 조국현 / Guk Hyun, CHO
Title / 봄의 사색 (思索)
Meditation of Spring
Size / 40.9 x 53cm
Material / Mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2019
Artist / 조국현 / Guk Hyun, CHO
Title / 편지 / Letter
Size / 40.9 x 53cm
Material / Mixed media on canvas
Creation Date / 2019


조국현 프로필
Artist CHO, Guk-hyun Profile
개인전 32/ 서울, 강원, 대구, 안산, 전주, 프랑스, 중국, 일본
The 32times Solo Exhibition
초대전 및 아트페어 50여회
The 50times Invitational Exhibition and Art Fair
Hong Kong Affordable Art Fair / Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
Seoul Art Show / 코엑스 전시 A
MANIF Seoul International Art Fair / 예술의전당 한가람미술관
Strasbourg International Art Fair / Anne Lettree Galerie
대한민국미술대전 심사위원 및 운영위원 외
작품소장 기관 및 기업 소장처
Codrporate & Collections
()금광기업 / ()오픈갤러리 / 국방문화연구센터 / 삼화페인트공업() / 외교통상부 외
/ Present Career
도시문화공공예술협회 회장, GIAF 광화문 국제아트페스티벌 운영위원, 송파미술가협회 고문
Artist Profile
Guk-hyun, CHO
The 32times Solo Exhibition / Seoul, Gangwon, Deagu, Ansan, Jeonju, France, China, Japan
The 50times Invitational Exhibition and Art Fair
The 450times Group & Invited Exhibition
Seoul Art Show / COEX trade center / Gangnam-gu, Seoul / South Korea
Affordable Art Fair in Hong Kong / Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre / Hong Kong
Gwanghwamooon International Art Festival / Sejong Center for the Performing Arts / South Korea
Beijing Art Festival of Korea Contemporary Fine Art / ZHIGAO Art Gallery / Beijing / China
Strasbourg International Art Fair / Anne Lettree Galerie / Paris / France
Gwangju Biennale Flag Art Festival 'A piece of dust, a drop of water’ / South Korea
The 40times Jury Career & past career
Judge of The 22th Korea Fine Art Competition / South Korea etc..
Corporate & Collections
Corporation Keumgwang Company / South Korea
Korea National Defense Culture Research Center / South Korea
Samwha Paint Industry Corporation / South Korea
Corporation JY and Cube Company / South Korea
MOFAT Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade / Seoul / South Korea
Cambridge Gallery / New York / The United Stated of America
New York Soho Stendhal Gallery / New York / The United Stated of America
Grande Johnne O'Jury / Paris / France
O Gallery / Tokyo / Japan etc..
Present Career
GIAF Gwanghwamoon International Art Festival Steering Committee Member / South Korea
President of Urban Culture Public Art Association / South Korea
Art Group N.A adviser
Web Site
3 Generation Artist Family : http://artistfamily.tistory.com/
#조국현 #조국현작가 #조국현화가 #화가조국현 #ChoGukHyun #abstract #fineart #art #artist #painter #modernart #contemporaryart #leeandleegallery #leenleegallery ##편지 #사색 #spring #letter #meditation #추상 #추상화 #추상화가 #추상미술 #한국추상 #조국현전시 #조국현작품

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